My sister had her twins this morning. She was only 31 weeks along, but so far the babies are doing good. Trestan Ray was born at 8:07am and weighs 3lbs. 15oz. and is 16 3/4 inches long. Taylor Jade was born at 8:09am and weighs 3lbs 7oz. and is 17 inches long. So far babies and mommy are all doing good. The babies are on a c pap and doing good. They'll be staying at UofU until around the due date. So about early November. Prayers would be appreciated, hopefully they'll continue to do great.
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yeah!! How exciting for Tamra. I have always wanted twins. I can't believe she is old enough to be having babies. I still see her as the little blonde girl in highschool. Crazy! We must be getting old...:(
ReplyDeleteTell her congratulations! Glad everyone is doing well.