Welcome! This is a blog for Keira and Candice to speak of all our woes. Ha! Not exactly. We both struggle with infertility. This is our way of keeping in touch and being a support for one another. Here is where we share our thoughts, our feelings, our struggles, our hopes, and our dreams. We have often asked ourselves 'why not us?' We would sure like to know what happened to our storks. So if anyone with similar struggles visits this blog, just know YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Although at times it sure feels like it, doesn't it? Hopefully this may help you as well.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Twins

My sister had her twins this morning. She was only 31 weeks along, but so far the babies are doing good. Trestan Ray was born at 8:07am and weighs 3lbs. 15oz. and is 16 3/4 inches long. Taylor Jade was born at 8:09am and weighs 3lbs 7oz. and is 17 inches long. So far babies and mommy are all doing good. The babies are on a c pap and doing good. They'll be staying at UofU until around the due date. So about early November. Prayers would be appreciated, hopefully they'll continue to do great.

1 comment:

  1. yeah!! How exciting for Tamra. I have always wanted twins. I can't believe she is old enough to be having babies. I still see her as the little blonde girl in highschool. Crazy! We must be getting old...:(
    Tell her congratulations! Glad everyone is doing well.
